Actor Silambarasan has been going through some tough time due to his upcoming and most anticipated movie, Vaalu. But the actor is not alone in this dilemma. Reportedly, the actor's fan tried to commit suicide when the film was postponed. The film starring Silambarasan and Hansika Motwani, has previously been postponed several times which has caused unrest in the Vaalu team. However, when Simbu learnt about the news of his fan trying to commit suicide, the actor tweeted, "Heart breaking to hear a fan tried to commit suicide. I'm literally in tears now and i pls request fans to stay strong. Wont let u guys down." [sic]
Actor Silambarasan has been going through some tough time due to his upcoming and most anticipated movie, Vaalu. But the actor is not alone in this dilemma. Reportedly, the actor's fan tried to commit suicide when the film was postponed. The film starring Silambarasan and Hansika Motwani, has previously been postponed several times which has caused unrest in the Vaalu team. However, when Simbu learnt about the news of his fan trying to commit suicide, the actor tweeted, "Heart breaking to hear a fan tried to commit suicide. I'm literally in tears now and i pls request fans to stay strong. Wont let u guys down." [sic]
Superstar Rajinikanth’s fans have always gone a step ahead when it comes to fanaticism. According to a report on Indiatimes.com, a die-hard fan of Rajinikanth fell prey to a prank that claimed that Rajinikanth was unwell and in dire need of a kidney. Reportedly the fan popped pills and was ready to donate his kidney to the superstar. Apparently, the 40-year old fan overdosed on sleeping pills to end his life so that his kidney could be donated to the star. The rumour of the Enthiraan star Rajinikanth’s kidney complications resulted in an unfortunate event.
Superstar Rajinikanth’s fans have always gone a step ahead when it comes to fanaticism. According to a report on Indiatimes.com, a die-hard fan of Rajinikanth fell prey to a prank that claimed that Rajinikanth was unwell and in dire need of a kidney. Reportedly the fan popped pills and was ready to donate his kidney to the superstar. Apparently, the 40-year old fan overdosed on sleeping pills to end his life so that his kidney could be donated to the star. The rumour of the Enthiraan star Rajinikanth’s kidney complications resulted in an unfortunate event.
Khushbhu Sundar
If superstar Rajinikanth’s fans are ready to end their life to save him, Khusbhu’s fans aren’t letting her down. According to a report in Thehindu.com, it is believed that her fans have built a temple for her. These fans seem to have taken the term, ‘idol-worship’ quite literally. It was also reported that after Khushbu justified pre-marital sex and encouraged it, enraged fans vandalised the temple, in an attempt to express their ire.
If superstar Rajinikanth’s fans are ready to end their life to save him, Khusbhu’s fans aren’t letting her down. According to a report in Thehindu.com, it is believed that her fans have built a temple for her. These fans seem to have taken the term, ‘idol-worship’ quite literally. It was also reported that after Khushbu justified pre-marital sex and encouraged it, enraged fans vandalised the temple, in an attempt to express their ire.
Illayathalapathy Vijay
Vijay was beaming with pride and satisfaction after the release of his film, Kaththi but the joy was short-lived. Reportedly, the actor’s die-hard fan, Unnikrishnan, fell down from the top of a huge cut-out of Vijay’s Kaththi while performing a paalabhishekam. According to a report on Ibnlive.com, the deceased was a welding worker who slipped down while pouring milk on the cut-out installed in front of a theatre at Vadakencherry. In his press note, Vijay said, "I deeply mourn and extend my heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Sri.Unnikrishnan from Vadakkanchery, who lost his life during the celebrations yesterday. The loss of my loved one is irrecoverable and will remain in my heart forever." [sic]If superstar Rajinikanth’s fans are ready to end their life to save him, Khusbhu’s fans aren’t letting her down. According to a report in Thehindu.com, it is believed that her fans have built a temple for her. These fans seem to have taken the term, ‘idol-worship’ quite literally. It was also reported that after Khushbu justified pre-marital sex and encouraged it, enraged fans vandalised the temple, in an attempt to express their ire.
Popular South actress, Rambha, has also had her share of crazy fan tales. Apparently, a fan walked up to her house and handed her a ring. According to a report on Behindwoods.com, the stalker walked up to her house and offered her a golden ring on her birthday. Reportedly, the stalker also created a big ruckus outside her house and was later arrested for misconduct.
Popular South actress, Rambha, has also had her share of crazy fan tales. Apparently, a fan walked up to her house and handed her a ring. According to a report on Behindwoods.com, the stalker walked up to her house and offered her a golden ring on her birthday. Reportedly, the stalker also created a big ruckus outside her house and was later arrested for misconduct.
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